Saturday, September 28, 2013

Happy Weekend!

It's the weekend!  Wait.  It's THE weekend.  Yes.  That's it.  It's the weekend that my husband and I have been planning for over a year.  We are finally taking a trip, by ourselves without the kids, to Punta Cana!  YAY!  We celebrated 10 years this June and decided it would be best to wait until the fall to go away, when my Mother-in-law (God bless her) could come and watch the kids.   So this is it!  We leave tomorrow. 

And of course, I got a call yesterday from Olde Towne Hall Antiques to let me know I sold a huge desk, one that really holds a lot of smaller items (aka smalls).  What that means is that I have to find time in my day today, aside from putting up the Halloween decorations at my home, doing my laundry, making lists for Mum and packing to get to the store and replace a large item which will be picked up tomorrow and fix the booth up.  If this sounds like a complaint, it's not.  LOL!  I really am happy that I sold that desk and I don't think there is anything that can spoil my mood today!  It's all good! 

Did you get stuck on "putting up the Halloween decorations?"  Yah, I know, it's a bit early.  However, I know that when I get back I'm going to be slammed playing catch up and decorations will not be on my priority list.  And since Fall is my favorite season and I have just as many Halloween decorations as Christmas, I like to see them out for at least a month.  I don't get back until the 6th.  It makes perfect sense to me....  

Well, y'all have a great weekend, now - y'hear?   ;)

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