Saturday, August 24, 2013


Many years back I was an HGTV hound!  I couldn't get enough of it, but didn't have enough time to put anything to use that I had seen there.  Anybody out there remember Design on a Dime and the Trash to Treasure segment at the end?  Yah, I remember it!  Living in New Hampshire has somehow opened up a love in me of all things old.  Or maybe I've watched too many Tinkerbell movies with my girls and ended up being a little tinker-er myself.  I don't know.

Pinterest has been a great source of inspiration too!  I don't know what it was about old shutters that made me like them so much, but I came across a pair long ago and hinged them together, kind of making a corner stand of some sort.  Not a very beautiful thing, but I used it as a backdrop, if you will, of another self made little table made from an old wooden milk crate and a square cast iron grate.  I'll have to dig up a picture of it.   

But for now, here's another little creation:

I went to this great place near downtown Exeter (NH) on Mill Street called Architectural Salvage and they had tons of shutters.  I had this idea in mind, so I also got the brackets there.  They are cast aluminum - gorgeous! 
With the help of my husband, we put this together and although the color isn't my favorite - I'm still trying to decide if I want to paint it and keep it or what - it was a handy item to have.  A great place for the kids to drop hang their backpacks during school (two more days!) or just their coats.  Whatever.  OH!  And lest I forget the hooks:
Some may say "boring" or "eww", but I say "MORE!"   Love love love the old stuff. 
So there you have it.  A fun project for your mudroom.  On a smaller scale, this kind of a unit would be great in any room!  Taking orders!
Thanks for coming to visit my blog.  Please leave a comment below, I'd love to hear from you!


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