Friday, October 12, 2012

It's been a while!

Well, it's been a long time since I posted.  I've really got to get better at this.  I've had a couple of projects going on since this summer and the latest was a custom order to redo two pieces of furniture.  They were pieces the woman had that had been in her family for decades.  She didn't really have much information on them, but knew they had been her mother's when she was a child.  One piece was an old childrens' chifferobe (sorry, no before pictures) and the other was some sort of cabinet.

Both were covered with many layers of drippy old paint which had been done in previous years many times before without ever having any of the hardware removed.  It was going to be challenging...

 and a lot of sanding/paint removal,

But worth it.

  And I was really excited about it!
   So I went to work stripping the paint, which incidentally I didn't realize could have been lead paint. You should ALWAYS be aware if the piece is older that there may be lead paint on it which you need to use special precautions for if stripping it, rather than painting over it. Here's a link for safe Lead paint removal. 

The owner wanted me to try to come as close as possible matching her dining room chairs


Now, not knowing what was underneath the paint, I told her I would do my best, but she had to understand that it wasn't a guarantee.  She was wonderful to work with.  I ended up calling her a few times during the project to keep her informed of what progress was being made and how long it might be before they were back to her.  That's the beauty of doing this from home, you set your hours and know what you are able to fit it, when.    
The stripping began.
   And it became apparent that I had more work than I had bargained for.  But, hey, that too, is part of the business.  You don't do it unless you love it! I consider this "therapy."   
The painting ensued, hinges were replaced, and the outcome was beginning to look good!

I used my phone to take these and the quality is just not there, so the paint looks dull and flat.  It was actually a semi-gloss finish which looked really beautiful for this chifferobe.  Behind the door on the right, is an open cabinet with a pull-out clothes hanging bar for children's clothing.  So adorable!  Every new mom needs to have a piece like this!  Of course, the owner is now using it for her dining room, so I suppose I should have removed the clothes hanging bar for her.. SORRY!  :)

The other cabinet was missing two drawers when she gave it to me, so I cleaned up the painted area so that she can put baskets in the place where the drawers would have gone. And she is going to replace the white knobs with handle pulls that match the first pieces' knobs.

In the future, I'll get more organized and get those great before and after pictures.  Right now, I'm lucky to have the time to get the pieces done!